About us

Our mission is to foster conscientious awareness ​of human trafficking occurring in Montana and globally, aid​ those working towards eliminating trafficking, and promote​ a community of ​compassion​ and respect​.

We meet every Monday (except holidays) from 5-6pm in Jabs 103. We hope to see you there!

To stay up to date and learn more, follow us on Instagram at @msuheartintiative or like us on Facebook at facebook.com/msuheartinitiative.

Contact us

If you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or seek safety. If you would like to report a tip on human trafficking, please call your local law enforcement’s non-emergency line or 211 if you are in Gallatin County. Alternatively, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline with questions or tips at 1-800-373-7888.

Please email us at theheartinitiative406@gmail.com or fill out the following form.

Do you have any questions, concerns, or comments? We love to hear from you!